Marketing Research, Insights & Planning

“How can I find out what makes my target customer tick ...and how I can use that knowledge to fuel my marketing?”

You can start by choosing a Hispanic and fully bilingual agency that knows how to research deep and find out what your customers are thinking … then use that information to create laser-focused marketing campaigns.

The Challenge

“Know thy customer” has been the mantra of marketing research ever since the beginning … but how do you do that? Where do you even start?

Today’s customer — both B2B and B2C — is more sophisticated and complex than ever before. With instant access to a wealth of information on a 24/7 basis, they know much more about us than we do about them.

Market research in the 21st century has to go far beyond the standard demographic approach — “Hispanic female, age 30-45, married with two children” — to encompass your target market’s values, interests, concerns, and hopes for the future. But how do you uncover that information?

The Solution

For more than a decade, Imagina Communications has been giving clients the market research “fuel” they need to create targeted, impactful marketing campaigns.

From simple online surveys to in-depth focus groups, Imagina can create and execute the best data collection strategies for your business, your audience, and your marketing goals. We’ll deliver those results in a way that provides valuable insight into their likes and dislikes, expectations and buying habits. Then we’ll use that research information as a foundation for focused marketing campaigns that motivate your target customer to take the desired next step.